This last assignment raised some interesting questions.
Is playing "just for fun" acceptable? Is playing still "playing" if you're using it as a means to another end? (For example, if you receive artistic inspiration by playing on a playground, is it still really "playing?") Is using "stolen" time solely for "traditional" homework any different than using it to "play" to kick up some inspiration for other classes?
This is getting hard to follow.
At any rate, as adults, is "playing" for the sake of itself appropriate, a good idea, or profitable (and does "profitable" even need to be included in this decision)?
I would maintain that we need to be very careful about what we decide to do "for ourselves". I admit that everyone needs some downtime; something they can do to relax and rest. Otherwise you'd burn out and be no good to anyone. But how much of life do we ALREADY live only for ourselves?
I would be surprised if anyone in this class didn't spend an average of two or three hours every single day doing things that have no benefit to anyone but themselves.
That's fine. I'm not bashing that.
But I AM (probably) bashing the idea that we need "play" on top of that. Many people in this class enjoy "playing" with photoshop. Lots love vegging in front of the tv or a video game console. All of these activities are playing in their own way, and all are designed solely for their own personal benefit.
So don't we already "play" every day? Most of us do it for hours and hours daily.
The idea of "stolen" time is interesting... But stolen time is the same as regular time, when it comes right down to it. It's merely an opportunity to lessen the strain on your "schedule" by either playing and venting steam, or spreading out the load over a longer period of time and benefitting that way.
All in all, this assignment made me think a lot more than I expected it to. My first thought was about how easy this was going to be to BS about, but then, just to spite myself, I started thinking.
... And I went rock climbing at Climb Time. I hadn't been before. It was a heckofalotta fun. :D